The book brings together the results of an international design workshop at KUL on Leuven’s Dijlevallei, and formulates some challenging scenarios for the city’s future. The publication is not an outcome, but the start of a new trajectory of conversations and debate on Leuven’s spatial development.
Leuven faces very significant transformations in the near future. The new wave of development passing through the city will have a structural impact on the identity and quality of the inner city. In Leuven, particularly the Dijle Valley – which was at the origin of Leuven and made the city great – is now the subject of large-scale transformation.
But more is possible than what is happening today. We are at a crossroads to make a different kind of city, not a unitary city, not a city just for consumption, but a city of contradictions, friction and creation. As part of the City Debate, a group of international designers descended on Leuven and explored the potential of the Dijle as a lifeline for the city of the future.
This book is only available in Dutch.
De Dijle aan het woord
Stadsdebat Leuven
17 x 22 cm, 128 pages, paperback
Language: Dutch
Editor: Bruno De Meulder, Joris Scheers, Guido Geenen, Yuri Gerrits, Joris Moonen
Public Space, Mechelen, 2016
Photography: Wit architecten
Cartography: Wit architecten
Graphic design: Dear Reader
Publisher: Public Space, 2015
ISBN: 9789491789106